Silver Joker Kennel,
silver toy poodles, Toypudel in silber - grau,
toy poodle puppy
silver pudlar kennel   

  Silver toy poodle male puppy, born on July 20. 2024.
Toypudel Welpe, Rüde in silber ist am 20. Juli 2024 geboren.

Silver Joker toy poodle, 
toy pudelj sivi, 
barboncino toy grigio, 
barboni grigio,
Pudl toy støíbrný

The parents of the silver toy poodle puppies are prcd-PRA "A", pat lux free, 0/0.
Silver poodle toy poodle puppy is available for loving family. 


Silver toy poodle puppy is available to loving, caring home.
Toypudel Welpen in silber sind in liebevolle Hände abzugeben.

white toy poodle puppy

Toy Poodle in white  & silver 

Silver Joker Shangri-La toy poodle, toypudel, 
toy pudelj sivi, 
barboncino toy grigio, 
barboni grigio,
Pudl toy støíbrný

Silver Poodles - Silberpudel - zwerg &  toy

                 Silver Toy and Dwarf Poodle - Silber Toy und Zwergpudel,

White toy und dwarf poodle - Toypudel weiß, Zwergpudel weiss,

Quality silver and white toy poodle puppies.

Zur Zeit Toypudel Welpen in silber und weiß.   

  Toy und Zwergpudelzucht in weiß und silber.

Pudelwelpen sind in liebevolle Hände abzugeben.

Tiny Toy Poodle Puppy in silver.

Silver Joker Kennel,
silver toy poodles Toypudel in silber - grau,
white toy poodle, Toypudel in weiss,
toy poodle puppy,
toypoodle puppy,
silver pudlar kennel

More poodles of Silver Joker Kennel are European champion,
international champions and a lot of them are champions.

Unser Kennel kann auf Europa Sieger, mehr Interchampion
und zahlreiche Championpudel stolz sein.

Stud dogs - Deckrüden
Available for stud to approved females.

Silver Joker poodles

Owner: Mr. Gyula SÁRKÖZY
FCI International Judge Group 9.
FCI Internationaler Richter, Gruppe IX.


Tel./Fax: +361-2923599

 English  German  Ecrivez-nous

e-mail - english - deutsch - francais 






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white dwarf poodle male, white miniature poodle male, zwergpudel rüde weiss,

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barboncini toy negro, barboni toy nero, toypoedel zwart, Toyvillakoira musta,

chiot caniche male toy noir, svart toypudel, schwarz Toypudel Rüde, Black tpy poodle male puppy,

toy poodle black, toypudel schwarz, caniche toy noir, èerná toy pudl, Toyvillakoira,
zwarte toy poedel, caniche toy bianco, barboncini toy nero, toypoedel zwart,

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svart toypudel, Pudelzucht, Pudelzüchter, Pudelwelpen, toy pudle bia³e,

Silver Joker poodles - white toy poodle - silver toy poodle, gray - toypudel weiß - toy pudel silber, grau - caniche toy, blanc - caniche toy gris, tiny toy poodle,

Fokker witte & grijs toy poedel en grijs dwerg poedel.  witte toy poedel, tiny toy pudel

Silber Toy und Zwergpudel Welpen - Pudelwelpen.
Wir züchten Silberpudel, silber und weiss Toypudel und silber Zwergpudel.
Wir haben zeitweise wohlgepflegte Toypudelwelpen oder Zwergpudelwelpen in Farbe silber, Toy pudel Weplpen in weiss
Zwergpudelzucht silber - grau, Silberpudel zwerg & toy.
Dem Alter entsprechend sind unsere Pudel liebevoll sozialisiert und gepflegt.
Wir haben Pudel in silber (grau) und weiß .
toypudel kennel in silbergrau, weiß

toypudel kennel in weiß

dvärgpudel, toypudel
Dvärg Pudel, Toy Pudel, pudel
toypudlar, pudlar, dvärgpudlar

 Toypudelzucht - Zwergpudelzucht in silber.
Zwergpudelwelpen aus vielversprechender Verpaarung.
Toypudelwelpen aus vielversprechender Verpaarung.
Verantwortungsbewußt gezüchtete Toypudelwelpen und Zwergpudelwelpen.

Silberpudel werden schwarz geboren.


Pudelwelpen  sind in liebevolle, verantwortungsbewußte Hände abzugeben.

Pudelzucht - Toypudel und Zwergpudel in silber.
Toypudelzucht silber - grau.
- zur Zeit Welpen -
Silver Toy and Dwarf Poodle puppy - puppies.

Perro de Lanas - Puddel - Barbone - Barboni - Puudel -  Barboncino - Caniche - Poedel, poedelpuppy, poedelkennel, toypoedel, dwergpoedel -
gris - grey - gray - grau - grijs - grigi - zilver
nain - dwarf - dwerg - enano - nani 

barboncini toy grigio, barboncino toy e nano,
barboncino toy e nano, barbone nano grigio
barboncino toy grigio, barboncini toy grigio

dwerg- en toy poedels in grijs
dwergpoedel in grijs
toy poedel in grijs
dwergpoedel grijs
toypoedel grijs
toypoedel, poedel dwerg grijs

caniche enano gris
caniche toy gris

pudlové, Štìòata

Toypoedel puppy's

Caniches nains et toys gris.
Les chiots sont élevés en famille.
Les adultes participent régulièrement aux expositions canines de beautés.

Miniature poodle puppy.
We breed silver toy poodles and silver dwarf poodles.

Occasionally we have silver (grey) toy poodle puppies and silver dwarf poodle puppies.
We want our silver toy poodle puppies to be placed in loving and caring homes.
Occasionally we have silver dwarf poodle puppies.
silver toy poodle puppy -
Silver min poodle -
min poodle puppies - min poodle puppy.


pudlové - pudl toy - Toy pudlíèka - strieborného Toy pudlíèka - stribrné -
Pudlík strieborný TOY - pudlové, Štìòata
, toy pudlikov, toy pudla, pudlica

pudl - Pudl toy støíbrný - Pudl trpaslièí støíbrný

villakoira - Toyvillakoira - Kääpiövillakoira

Toy poodle Stud dogs - Toypudel Deckrüden

Silver Toy Poodle for stud.
Available for stud to approved females.

Toypudel Deckrüde in silber
Er steht ausgewerteten Hündinnen zum Decken bereit.  

silver pudlar kennel

toypudel kennel, toypudel, Toypudelwelpen

pudelj sivi toy - pudelj toy - pudelj sivi  -  Mali pudelj sivi - pudelj toy


Той пудель - Карликовые пудель

Magicstar de Silver Joker, male - Rüde 26 cm
white toy poodle - Toypudel, weiß - caniche toy blanc

 Top quality puppies with excellent bloodlines available.
Our puppies have a pedigree registered by FCI.
We are certified FCI breeder.

White toypoodle - Weiße Toypudel
white toy poodle female, white toy poodle puppies, white toy poodle puppy
caniche toy blanc,
toypudel weiss, toy pudel weiss

bílý toy pudl
valkoinen Toyvillakoira
toy poedel in wit
caniche toy bianco
barboncini toy bianco

 grijse poedel pup

Toy und Zwergpudelzucht in weiß und silber.
Wir haben Silberpudelnachwuchs.

Owner: Mr. Gyula SARKOZY
FCI Judge, Group 9.
FCI Internationaler Richter, Gruppe 9.

toy poodle white, toypudel weiß, caniche toy blanc, male toy blanc, white toy poodle, white toy poodle puppy,
toypudel weiß, caniche toy blanche, toypoodle white, bílý toy pudl, valkoinen Toyvillakoira,
toy poedel in wit, caniche toy bianco, barboncini toy bianco, pudl toy bílý, white toy poodle puppies


Occasionally we have white toy poodle puppies.
We want our white toy poodle puppies to be placed in loving and caring homes.
bílý toy pudl,
valkoinen Toyvillakoira,
toy poedel in wit,
caniche toy bianco,
barboncini toy bianco,
toypoedel witt

черен пудел,
èerná toy pudl,
musta toyvillakoira,
caniche toy noir,
zwarte Poedel,
barboncino nero,
negru pudel,
caniche toy negro,
èrni pudelj,

schwarze Zwergpudel,
èrni pudelj,
black dwarf poodle,
caniche nain noir,
zwarte dwerg poedel,
negru pitic pudel